
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Tougher sentences

Top Stories. ABC News Online: "Australia seeks tougher sentence for Bashir"

Why? Oussama is still alive and I still haven't seen the evidence which would stand up in court and unequivocally assure the judges he really did commit a crime involving the WTC, but since he is judged to be supremely guilty, then ...he is still alive and no court hearing has been made for him at all. Saddam is still alive. Bush, Blair and Howard have been party to an illegal invasion based on nothing. I mean, I'd hate someone to come over here, take away my prime minister, tell me which religion to practise, blow up my neighbourhood, my schools, library, shops, art gallery. Take away my electricity, hospitals and safe drinking water. Turn my landscape into rubble and my friends and family into lifeless ornaments, all because they didn't like Howard. Have my streets full of troops, guns, explosions. No Net, no tele, no slippers, no dog, no radio. Tell me I had got it all wrong and I needed to be like them even though I had no idea who they were and what they were like? And if I didn't want to be free like them? If their culture meant nothing to me? I so understood that when I had that Indonesian homestay girl here. As I blogged before, I knew there was nothing in my home that meant a thing to her. Nothing. Just my photos of my father as a Scottish clansman. So, I do sort of get what the Iraqis are on about and why their hearts are breaking. I understand we have killed so many of them and so many of our own soldiers all for misguided reasons because we were "caught in the moment" and we just didn't think. But no one is going to get tried and sent to jail for the amount of destruction they have caused. So why single out Bashir? The Bali bombings were hideous, but so is Afghanistan..and the women there are still dying in childbirth as are their children. It's horrible what we have done. WTC was hideous. Madrid was hideous. You name it , it was hideous. Man made destruction and dealing of death. Stop it. Just stop it. We deal it out and then point the finger and say that person is more deserving than others to be jailed for longer. Britain has just put out programmes on the effects of the Guantanamo methods on people. They used volunteers. Anyone who is practising those methods is visiting the same kind of pain and agony on people who have been denied justice. So where is our justice? For as long as we have none I think we need to stop waggling our fingers. If Bashir was involved in the Bali bombings he does deserve to stay in prison for a long time. But don't you just wonder why he isn't? And why Saddam is alive but his people and the soldiers are dying daily? Why Oussama has never been caught and tried? Don't you ever wonder why the world is so wonky?

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