
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Howard denies training failures behind migrant plan.

Howard denies training failures behind migrant plan. 03/03/2005. ABC News Online

What is going on?? We have been wondering why so many houses are being built all over Adelaide and there has been an announcement for 6000 more at Seaford. We just don't have that many people in Adelaide. They have been taking over the hills and valleys, our landscape is being plotted and blotted by housing estate after housing estate. We have so far filled them all and we haven't yet worked out where the empty ones must be.We have been talking about it on and off for quite a while. We are not like the eastern states. We just putter along here. So we figure they're is going to be an influx of people and they will finally let the people out of Baxter and the young ones are going to get suddenly very fond of multiplying. We have noticed, Mr. Howard. We know there is something going on because we can't see our sheep and hills anymore and the corellas and other parrots have been built out of here.

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