
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dick Smith flies to Baxter detainee's aid.

Dick Smith flies to Baxter detainee's aid. 01/03/2005. ABC News Online:

"Entrepreneur Dick Smith has vowed to fly half way around the world to fight for the release of Australia's longest serving detainee, who is being held at Port Augusta's Baxter detention centre."

It's not going to go away. Baxter is something so unaustralian and those who would support the detention centre ( who are they, by the way?) would say you are not allowed to say something is unaustralian. Well, I am and I can because this is still a free country and we managed people and things in a bit of a lumpy way but it was a place where people came from other parts of the world and they said they could make a home for themselves. I used to hear that so many times. Baxter is up at Woomera which is a real no man's land. When I went to Woomera I had nothing but admiration for those who lived there. They were in the middle of no where. Tt was hot,dry and dusty. They made all their own entertainment and they had a good sense of community. I wonder how they feel about having Baxter there because it is more or less a high security prison. Our very own Tower Of London from the medieval ages. People can get chucked in there at the King's pleasure and wilt and wither away. Come on . Australia!! This is not medieval England. I agree we have to vet those who want to live here, but our process is far too vague and convoluted and people are being kept there too long. And if they can't be sent home? For a nation founded on convicts maybe we should give them the Australian fair go and if they don't do the right thing, make them walk the plank.

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