
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Labor opposes Iraq troop increase.

Labor opposes Iraq troop increase. 22/02/2005. ABC News Online

We oppose it too. Since this was announced there is a marked change in people. They are angry. We didn't want to be involved in Iraq. Howard just made up his own mind and sent them. Then we felt awful our troops were there and did what the cynical politicians knew we'd do. We supported the troops but not the illegal invasion. The way we and our troops have been manipulated is a heartless , callous mind game. It's been worse since we've found out more about the torture and treatment of Iraqis. It's just so non new millennium. We had moved so far down the road to a peaceful planet and suddenly we have been catapulted back to the dark ages of weapons, warfare, blood shedding and military might. We have felt powerless but not devoid of power. This unilateral decision AGAIN to send troops is outrageous, really. Once more rubbing our noses in the fact we are no longer a democracy and our elections (elections..those we elect to govern not dictate) were farcical . The interest rates are going up and we knew that if we had consulted the world finance markets and if we had listened to the financial people who told us during the election and Howard told us we were not going to escalate our involvement in Iraq. It was clear we didn't want to be party to it. This really is slapping us in the face with a wet fish. Or has Howard been given an offer he can't refuse? Given Liberal has control of the Senate in July..what next??

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