
Friday, April 01, 2022

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address to Australian Parliament


President Zelenskyy addressed our federal parliament yesterday. It was moving, emotional and awe inspiring to watch. This man is a world changer. He is modest, humble but very clear and complex in his thinking. He is focused on Ukraine and saving his country and his people but he is aware of the bigger picture. It was an honour he took the time out from the Russian onslaught to talk civilly and directly with us. He was talking to us via our parliament. It was a thoughtful , engaging conversation and I am deeply grateful to the translator, who would have been exhausted afterwards, for the excellent job he did . That beaming into our parliament and talking to us, given what is going on for President Zelenskyy was magical and meaningful. He speaks factually. He is direct. He explained what was happening and what this could lead to and so that we understood we had a vested interest in working with him and other nations to contain disasterous consequences for Ukraine and , perhaps, all of us. 

It is a really tough situation which we have to work out globally. If nothing else the planet has been given a really good brain based challenge which will take all our thinking power, leverage, collaboration and internet connectivity. Ukraine has used the internet in creative ways to manage their situation. I'd like to think all our global connectivity can resolve this so Ukraine does not have to suffer any more. It is awful. Beyond awful because it is unthinkable and 2022 has told us we have had enough. The young are being used, abused and destroyed. It is wrong. 

He asked for some of our bushmaster armoured vehicles and it is pleasing to see that Mr. Dutton, our Minister for Defence, has got onto this quickly so I hope he can organise their delivery quickly. Would not pay to give out all the information for security reasons. We are connected, but so are the people wanting to see Ukraine destroyed. 

Our parliament served us well yesterday and that was actually an achievement. Parliament has not been running very well at all. I am glad they could all come together in a respectful way yesterday and listen to a man to is so remarkable. He is honest. He cares. He is so very courageous but he sees that as something he should be in his position. We wish him well. 

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