
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Raining , raining...

"Rain will ease and clear to the east by late tomorrow but showers are still forecast for Sunday, before a low pressure system brings heavier rainfall on Monday and Tuesday."

We had had two lovely winter days. I even sat with friends in the garden! Unbelievable, then Friday it was cold, wet and wintery again. Yes, it's winter. Today is cold again and I can see the rain rolling in over the hills. It actually looks lovely. Yesterday started off cold and wet so we had the coats and brollies out for the trip to town...and gloves and scarves! In town , everyone was rugged up and really quite happy. There was a brilliant busker on an electronic organ who drew quite a crowd. Not surprisingly. He was so good and so different. We all loved him and it's good to see that in the Mall. Everyone had their coats, jackets, hats and scarves on. All cuddled up for winter...then around 2 the sun came out and we were too warm! Town had a great feel and the rain wasn't stopping anyone. We are in winter mode and quite enjoying it really. We know we need the rain. We still hate the cold, though. ... but he bargains warmed our spirits. Shopping in town was a real Aladdin's cave of excitement and treasures.

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