
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Digital Bombardment

"Scientists fear that a digital flood of 24-hour rolling news and infotainment is putting our primitive grey matter under such stress that we can no longer think wisely or empathise with others."


This is not only a well written article, it is well worth the read. I have been wondering who has been thinking about the impact of all this information and media bombardment on our lives. and what monitoring is being done Trauma comes in on a daily basis. Other people's trauma fills our day. So we are not in the moment if we are hooked up to digital technology. Our living space is usurped by others. Our part of the planet is over run by things which are not in our space. So yes, there is a real possibility we shall be too overloaded, too infused with the non relevant and too overcome by it all. Then there is the physical capacity to be able to process it and how we manage that. Great article.

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