
Friday, July 29, 2005

Amy Gillett

It was Amy Gillett's funeral today, our cyclist and Olympic rower who was killed outside of Leipzig. It was on the news and I do not think I have ever been so moved by a funeral of anyone outside my own circle. I am always sad for people when they lose their friends and families , but the images shown of Amy Gillet's funeral painted such a touching, artistic picture. There were so many bunches of red, red roses and these were off set by bunches and bunches of the most amazing pink roses which were so soft in hue they were almost not there. It looked like a place for angels and I am not one to be soppy. Her friends and family had faces which reflected such a broken pain, but like that of a bird with a broken wing or a butterfly which cannot fly. It was such a stiking image. They were broken, so deeply sad but there was a vulnerabilty and sensitivity about them which I have only seen in nature. They were so dignified and respectful, but it was like they were all tiny shards of a rainbow which had been shattered that day on the road. The husband's face is so kind, so gentle, but he is so sad. You can see he is so sad and he is trying to be so strong to pay Amy the love and respect she deserves. There was nothing soppy about it, nothing tragic, as such, but like damaged fawns, or hurt gazelles, these people were all paying tribute to Amy and the cameras captured that moment of other worldliness . It was like they had lost an angel who had now returned to being an angel. Hans Christian Andersen's story of the Little Mermaid.We have all known Amy. Our sports people are an amazing lot. They will help each other . It is so sad, but they were amazing. Such an inspiration

Amy Gillett farewelled

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