
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pet Pupz

A half a million Facebook users per month can't be wrong. Pet Pupz is gaining in popularity on Facebook and has companion apps Cute Catz and Happy Horses. The Puppy one has really taken off. A lot of people don't actually want to be involved in games but they do want diverting and interesting apps which suit them. For long enough the gaming world and gaming machines have been far too narrow minded, limited and totally inflexible in their offerings and approach. I have blogged about this exclusion before. Game makers and gaming machines have been set up with a remarkably limited headset. Computers are not like that at all. They are really flexible and can do so much. Pet Pupz is a good example of something which suits another type of computer user. A lot of people, like me ,are happy to go and see their v-puppy, put it through training and competitions, care for it,see their friends' puppies or other people's puppies. It is just a relaxing thing to do, but there are challenges along the way and some puppies end up being your nemesis!! Some people get right into it and compete for all the awards and badges in a big way. Some people are very charitiable and a lot more people are gaining confidance with the scene builder. There are some really good scenes some people have created for their puppies. The success, I think, is because the owners of Pet Pupz are working with their community. They are listening, they are gently creating more innovation and they are encouraging people to be bolder without pushing.

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