
Sunday, May 31, 2009


"If men are wearing threadbare jocks — or worse, undies with holes — the nation is in real trouble, according to a growing number of economists who say the condition of men's underwear is a valuable fiscal indicator."

Well, I am not sure if men's underpants get daggier (hope not!!) and women indulge in lipsticks as the finances grow tighter...but I guess there would be some down to earth indicators which would tell us we have tightened our belts. It's not all bad. We are sharing recipes. We are sharing our sewing and knitting skills. We have patterns out and we are looking at what the best food bargains are. In a way it has made us a bit more homely and that might not be a bad thing. Home made relishes seem to be the go and we are looking for nice bread. It just means we are being far more careful when we buy and the word is getting out really fast about companies which don't give you value for money and goods which are below par.

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