
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Big Kev's Fixometer

AdelaideNow's new polling machine - Big Kev's Fix-O-Meter - allows you to vote for the issue that angers and frustrates you the most.

Great little fixometer to play and get a message home. You always hope the voting isn't rigged. Polls can be a real bugbear like that and therefore ruin what might be a useful straw vote.  It is time to lighten up and have a bit of a laugh as we try and pull our state together. What kind of a state do we want because it's in a bit of a state. Do we keep Adelaide...and what does that mean...or do we become yet another big city clone? The pressure is on and there are things which are driving us crazy. We really need to get things fixed so we can make a real decision as to what we want. I want Adelaide to be Adelaide. I like the city/rural/ beach feel without the inconvenience of overpopulation and over building. Already people re looking elsewhere because if we wanted to live in Melbourne...we'd be there! So have a vote on the fixometer and encourage the fun!!

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