
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Villers Bretonneux

"In a touching display of trans-world and generational solidarity, the children of this tiny French village vowed to return the favour bequeathed to their great, great grandparents more than 80 years ago when the state of Victoria raised funds to help rebuild their war-ravaged school."
Ça c'est incroyablement touchant.  Trop gentille. The children in Villers- Bretonneux have collected money to help a school in fire stricken  Victoria just as we helped them rebuild their school. I hope they do not have to wait long, mais il faut patienter un peu,   it has been a long, tough haul for Victoria to manage what it has had to manage. There is a beautiful site here about the history of Villers-Bretonneux.

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