
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ban the Bags

"There's already trepidation among assistants who are fearful of how some customers will react when the ban hits," Mr Malinauskas said.
We don't need plastic bags and the world is a better place without them. We can manage, you know. If people cannot bring their own bags, well, they need to get jiggy with it. Bags are there. We have had access to sensible alternatives for AGES. YONKS. We even have the new teeny tiny bags which miraculously fold out into a big bag. So change is what we need. It stops the plastic bags going into the wild. Rubbish can be put in other bags or containers. I prefer cloth bags because I can wash them. I have some durable plastic ones but cloth is easy and they fold up better. I even made some nice cloth bags for people for Christmas presents and they have all told me they had lots of compliments! So...let's get on with it and get rid of the plastic bags. I like how some shops have gone bag to the paper bags. It is about keeping our world recyclable and clean. We lobbied for this change and we were glad. Now all of a sudden we have got people who cannot cope without a plastic bag. The alternatives are better...they don't split and drop your shopping!

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