The trouble with translating form one language form another is that you often miss the point, don't get the complexity of thought and therefore remain oblivious to what thoughts might be possible. Little French kids play a games with daisies ... il m'aime (he love me) un peu ( a little bit) beaucoup (a lot) passionnément,(passionately), à la folie (madly), pas du tout ( not at all). A la folie literally means to madness. What starts off as an
Amelie type film and you think, oh no, I have seen her doing this before...changes in a very surprising way to something quite different and then you have no idea where it's headed...or you have ideas and then they are discounted. Good film for a rainy day or where you just want to get lost in a very interesting little story. Samuel Le Bihan becomes better and better as his role unfolds. So yes, in English it's
He loves me , he loves me not, but
A la folie, pas du tout is the perfect title. It is a film which really makes you think about relationships and how they become dysfunctional and then a film which makes you think about how some people are caught up in the sticky mess of relationships and you understand better why they cannot free themselves so easily.
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