
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Family Easter

In our neck of the woods we have opted for a family Easter. We are all doing it simply and locally. The best bit was the Mum neighbour who hopped into the caravan the  Dad neighbour brought home just before I left for work. As I left she was sitting at the caravan table in her Schiaparelli pink flannel pyjamas and enjoying the feel of knowing this would be her home for the next couple of days. They have little kids and so it will be a family affair and the caravan holiday is something new for them. She was excited and he was feeling important. Their home is being house sat by parents who then get to live in a bigger home again for a few days. I am having family over. my neighbours are having family over and at work that seemed to be the way too. Some people were going down the coast with their families and others were haveing their families over for Easter. Simple. We are all keeping it simple and doing that wonderful thing called bonding.

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