
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Professional Multitasking

Doctors told to reform or face 'a pay cut' |
While arguing that doctors should be paid more for the work that "demands their complex knowledge and training", she says if they are not willing to give up jobs to other health professionals they should face a pay cut.

The tough talk probably is not necessary. Doctors have been stretched to the limit as have other social professionals like nurses and teachers. The shortages and funding cuts to health and education have meant that teachers, doctors and nurses have had to cover the gaps and meet the needs of an increasingly demanding society/economy. Given staffing cuts then professionals have taken on other aspects of what is deemed to be the job and that was expected. There was not a choice and I am certain most doctors would prefer to be doing the medical things for which they are trained and in which they had an interest. Staff shortages in key professional areas have created the jack and jill of all trades approach. So , if there will be more funding, if there will be more staff then services and job specifications can be redescribed. It needs to be looked at in a considered fashion so that everyone is now clear about what their job is.

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