
Sunday, September 21, 2008

JK Rowling

JK Rowling donates $2.2m to UK's struggling PM
"The Labour Government has reversed the long-term trend in child poverty, and is one of the leading EU countries in combating child poverty," said Britain's richest author

Someone who cares. Someone who is prepared to put her money where her mouth is and someone who is prepared to use that money to make a social difference. We are in a bit of a social reform frame of mind at the moment. people with money are espousing their humanitarian and social causes to a far greater extent than politicians. famous people are showing the way and standing up to be counted in a very unstable world. They seem to care about equity and in dispelling the nonsense which is promulgated in order to manipulate the masses. Poor people are not stupid. They just lack money. Brains don't automatically grow with your bank account but money can certainly advantage you in our current social set up.

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