
Saturday, September 13, 2008


Increase pension now, say seniors | The Courier-Mail
"It's time for the Prime Minister and the rest of the Government to provide relief for older Australians," Mr O'Neill told Sky News.

There was a fantastic discussion on the radio the other night about pensions and pensioners. The thing I appreciated the most, because it was something I just happened to hear when I turned on the radio, was this was a full blown discussion with a lot of people who knew so much about our ageing population, our financial markets, the difficulties of ageing and then the perspective. The whole debate was lively and full of information which the Government could have really used. I haven't heard a good discussion like that in ages and the announcer was facilitating it all really well without creating any kind of bias which has been par for the course in recent times. Everyone got to say their bit to their satisfaction and then someone else was given a turn. I actually felt informed. I even felt like I now realised properly what some of the issues were...and then I thought everyone gave us some great ideas to work on to help resolve the plight of the pensioners.

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