
Monday, August 11, 2008

Majority of Aussies over 65 are on pension

Majority of Aussies over 65 are on pension: "“Pensioners can't wait while the government fiddles around with yet another review of whether they can struggle on the current pension - we know they can't,” Senator Rachel Siewert told reporters in Canberra."

We used to have a country where everyone could live adequately. Most of these pensioners would have contributed considerably to our country and many may well be doing so now, even in retirement. Our pensioners tend to be active. The biggest costs at the moment are heating and food and that is impacting significantly on pensioners. many are doing without a fire because they cannot afford to run one. This is awful. The food situation can be helped with ideas on web sites, radio and TV to produce cheap, nutritious meals. Maybe some of them are not using the fluorescent globes. We really need to look at this because it is very unpleasant to find yourself struggling when you have contributed well to your country's economy. They cannot afford to wait for big discussions. Those discussions need to occur while changes are being made to help ease the burden and pensioners themselves need to be included in these discussions. They would probably benefit from our online services but how many are doing without that too?

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