
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life Expectancy Mapping

Being poor kills: WHO | The Australian
The researchers found that a girl born in the African country of Lesotho was, on average, likely to live to 42, but this is less than half the expected lifespan of a girl in Japan (86). In Sweden, the risk of a woman dying during pregnancy and childbirth is one in 17,400, but in Afghanistan the odds are one in eight.

A boy in Calton in Scotland will live 28 years less than if he grew up in a neighbouring suburb and 8 years less than a child who grows up in India. So "civilisation" is creating some real disadvantage and developing nations need to take heed. I want to see a world map. I think we need to deal with this as a planet and visual literacy has a powerful impact. I want this on an interactive map and then we can think of ways and means of creating change to benefit the disadvantaged. One in eight women dying in childbirth is something we can change. As a planet we have the capacity to help each other because we are connected and we have the reouces and infrastructure to shift things around the world quickly. Let's get onto it.

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