
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Motorist jailed for 203kmh in 70kmh zone

Motorist jailed for 203kmh in 70kmh zone : "A speeding motorist caught doing 203kmh in a 70-zone has been jailed for six months."

Bleeping heck!! 70 zones around here are usually built up areas but with a clear run. Don't know about WA. They are usually roads which carry a fair amount of traffic too, so a car going at 203 would certainly stand out in the crowd and scare the living daylights out of people. If he wanted to show off his car maybe he could have taken it off the beaten track somewhere. He did it because he could but then he didn't think about where the best place to run a car at full tilt might be. The worst thing is whether the driver can keep control of a car at that speed and in a suburban area...well, there is a reason why we have speed limits.

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