
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Model wife proves Sarkozy's best asset

Model wife proves Sarkozy's best asset : "Until the 36-hour visit to London, Sarkozy's glitzy marriage had symbolised a presidency heavy on headlines and flash jewellery but light on substantive reform and presidential gravitas, helping to earn him the nickname 'President Bling Bling'."

France is surrounded by well groomed, beautifully coiffed, elegant, well presented women of style and substance ,so Carli Bruni may well be an asset to President Sarkozy overseas, but in his own country they are watching and listening and rightly so. Is he about democracy or is he about himself? Are the French being hood winked and railroaded like we were under Mr. Howard? John Howard changed us onto such a different path until we were suffocating. Our creativity and enthusiasm is back now and we are valuing and cherishing the positive atmosphere we have now. The French are right to listen and watch. They have survived far more than a Sarkozy consequently they have the history, skills and talents to manage and limit someone who harms their democracy in the ways ours was harmed. We ended up with no democracy at all , John Howard stood alone and we were diminished. The French won't be worried about whether Carla Bruni is a hit overseas or not. They will be looking at the changes which have been made in their country. They will be looking at Tibet and they will be looking at the technological shifts and changes. All that over un petit noir or a decent red. Bon courage et bonne continuation!

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