
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Water blame game

AdelaideNow... SA Water makes new bungle with refund cheques
The "blame game" between SA Water and the State Government was clearly ongoing, he said.

It's not actually solving the problem. No matter how much you blame others it doesn't change you. The original bills sent out with the new high rate charged retrospectively was unjust. The capacity to redress it is unjust. The new water charges should have applied for the new period. it would appear in redressing it there is neither the staff nor the IT capacity to redress the situation. it has to be accomplished more slowly and more thoroughly. We have had so many staff cuts and people are expected to do so many things as part of their job then no job is done properly and 2008 has really been showing it up. it is all make it up as you go along approach everywhere. We need proper jobs, proper working conditions and proper computer programmes. See who has been over changed ought to be easy on a computer. redressing that ought to be easy on a computer...provided the programme has been set up properly and those who are doing the job have the time and the skills to be able to get the information out of the computer properly. it is a shemozzle...but anything to do with water int his state is. time to breathe in, sit back and take the time to do things properly. Criticiing won't fix it. Applying solutions will...and it will infuriate peole to see others have moeny thrown at them. We need to plan properly and that requitres time and thought. This cursory glance appraoch to life is junk.

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