I had no plans to watch this show but it's got me hooked. Why? It's very positive and we clearly have some really talented people in Australia. I have watched people full of self doubt grow and get into a far more professional stance. I have even been watching and enjoying genres I wouldn't consider in a fit. These people love what they are doing and they are working with people who love what they are doing. They want to be excellent. There are no big heads, no false illusions and a complete capacity to listen and learn...and to take risks. The judges are straight forward, diplomatic and, at times, just plain blunt. The dancers take it all on board and learn from it. If the rules are people have to go, then those are the rules and the judges are balancing that in a very professional, compassionate, realistic way. It is a show full of hope. To be a successful dancer you have to be strong physically, mentally and emotionally. We seem to lack in emotional strength and yet the thing the judges try to get through is this is not an end...it's part of the road these people have chosen. If the road appears to end on a particular performance, well, then it's up to the dancer to literally take the next step. They are shown they can do it by perfecting their own genre, by perfecting their own strengths or by doing something completely different: putting themselves out there and just seeing what happens. It's about taking risks and not worrying if it goes pear shaped. Some of our dancers who have quite some talent seem to think that are not allowed to get it wrong and that they need to keep picking the safe path. It means they dig a rut for themselves unless they can become so great at what they do they will rise above it all. Most people need that mental, emotional and physical flexibility in order to put together a box of tricks which will stand them in good stead and set them apart. This is why so many of the dancers are growing. They respond to the encouragement, the honesty and the opportunity to trust themselves to meet a challenge. I hope it means they'll become emotionally stronger because there has been some great stuff. So inspiring.
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