
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Luxury cruise passengers forced to wade through water

Luxury cruise passengers forced to wade through water : "Like many modern cruisers, the QV is too tall to fit under the Gateway Bridge, so travellers had to disembark into a marquee before making the 30-minute bus trip to Brisbane city."

Slosh, slosh, slosh. Squidge. I am laughing! A bit of prior preparation and planning would prevent peed off passengers. A dirty great ship can't berth everywhere. We are obviously not ready for we need to put on out thinking caps to manage the challenges of such events...and the shipping company needs to plan and consult. I am sure Brisbane is not the only port but you have to talk to people, give and get information, look at the problems. No use just letting them occur and then telling the city it's not up to scratch and a cruise terminal has to be able to take these massive passenger liners if it's a cruise terminal. They are monstrously huge.

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