
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Forty-one drug tip-offs

Forty-one drug tip-offs: "'The amount and quality of the calls exceeded our expectations and was extremely good,' he said. 'We are getting the message out there that the police, the government and the community are not prepared to put up with their behaviour.'"

I don't actually think the bikies will care what we think. They are an enclosed unit which has operated for years. They have always been here and they make their own decisions. What happened was the balance of power tipped in their favour. Before we didn't have to be bothered with them. If we didn't bother them, they didn't bother us. If you treated them with respect, they treated you with respect. If they had a house near you , you knew there'd be heaps of bikes and noise, they'd sit on the veranda and it was a different lifestyle. But it would not spill over and you could talk to them. Now it has been scary and neighbours have felt very insecure whether it is warranted or not. Different rules and a different power base. What this has shown is the community is willing to work with the police to stand on their side so we can feel safe again.We do not need drugs. We do not need the behaviour which goes with drugs. If gangs are a part of that then we decided quite a while back we were sick of seeing people suffering from drugs around the streets of Adelaide. We had had enough. That was it and since then we have had a bit of a team effort on this so I am pleased to hear we are getting somewhere because it'll strengthen our resolve. It has made a difference.

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