
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Budget to elicit screaming and squealing

Budget to elicit screaming and squealing : "PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has warned there will be 'screams and squeals' when spending is slashed in the May Budget but says pain is necessary to fight the enemy of inflation."


Just practising. Inflation is part of the financial model which was put in place with the property boom. All part and parcel of getting the money for the really rich people. We are just hoping Mr. Rudd and his financial team can manage it because the global factors are a tricky part of this and that is why it needs to be managed carefully. All this money stuff has been set a while ago. This is not harping on. This is fact. Markets are geared and once juggernauts are rolling you cannot just turn them around and send them back up the hill with any degree of ease. AAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!! HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHH!!!!The good news is that financial people who really know what they are talking about are easy to spot because they can explain excitedly and in great depth about all this and then make some judgements. They love all of this and the financial analysts are having a lovely time making all their predictions and pronouncements. They haven't had this much fun in ages because this is a real test of their financial savvy.

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