
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Cancer Cluster

The World Today - Cases not included in ABC cancer cluster investigation: "Well I don't know why the ABC would not have disclosed this. I know…my understanding is Professor Armstrong knew of one case but didn't tell the ABC. The ABC knew of the other case but didn't tell Professor Armstrong. Maybe there's a communication issue there. But the ABC did know of one case, sat on it for six months at least and I have to question why they did that"

They are called the ABC cancer clusters but the cancer may or may not have anythign to do with the ABC. People use buildings for work and those buildings then appear to create cancer clusters. I am sure I don't know why all the cases are not being fully reported. Whoever is investigating this needs complete and proper knowledge. The confusion needs to be cleared up now that it is aired. The difficulty the ABC might have is becoming liable for a building which it didn't locate and didn't build. It just housed staff there for its studio work and now it seems to be a real problem. We are discovering all the time substances and electromagnetic fields which are contributing to cancer. We need to work out what to do to stop it and we can't do that without full and complete information. Something in that building was obviously wrong because so many women who worked there have developed breast cancer. It may not be the building. It might be what is located near the building or the way the building processes its air supply . Could be a lot of things. We need the facts so we can work it out and then we need our brains so we can find ways of stopping these cancer clusters...and being more alert to where we place buildings and people.

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