
Sunday, February 17, 2008

'Drunk' teen driver runs down family

'Drunk' teen driver runs down family: police: "The woman was thrown onto the bonnet and the two children aged five and nine were dragged under the car for about 15 metres."

This woman and her children now have to be in hospital. They will have ongoing medical appointments and some of the injuries may be severe. Then there is the shock of being hit and knowing it was a drunk 16 year old. All of that is going to take time and need not have happened. I am sure he didn't mean to and I am sure he was just having fun and I am certain his brain is still under construction. Not one of these is a reason for that amount of damage. Putting him behind bars is not going to give him a conscience nor will it make him think twice. He'll think it's too harsh when he didn't mean to and he was just having fun and he may or may not say sorry.She wouldn't want any help from him I shouldn't think. She certainly needs to be able to tell him at some stage how this has affected her, her children and her life. The boy needs to be doing a lot of community service and, given he was driving without a licence, then I guess not letting him have a licence isn't going to work. He shouldn't have a licence for at least 10 years and then he needs to be monitored. He is a danger to himself and the community. He needs to be on a tight leash and have lots of counselling. I am getting so sick of awful stuff happening when it just doesn't need to.

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