
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Paper wasps

identification paper wasps: "Sometimes called the Tasmanian paper wasp"

Paper wasps are not as obvious as bees and wasps because of their reddy brown colour and the fact they fly really quickly and don't particularly hang about. They make papery, cone like nests and seem to be a bit of a problem at the moment. They can give you a nasty bite if you get in their way. They don't come looking for you but their nests might be on eves or tree leaves. The bite will swell and cause the arm or leg to swell and go very hot and painful. I don't think it is dangerous like other wasp stings and people who are being bitten seem to be managing with a doctor's visit, household remedies and anti histamines. I have never seen them around here before but they are certainly around here now. With those and the massive black ants we are having a great time in the garden!

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