
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No relief from water restrictions

No relief from restrictions for dying gardens : "MELBOURNE faces strict water restrictions for at least another two years unless there are rains 'of biblical proportions', the managing director of Yarra Valley Water has warned."

If you let the plants die you are increasing desert conditions. Adding to the heat, the dryness and dust. Nothing can grow in a desert and you cannot live there either. We have a population of 22 million. We have to solve problems with utilities and water in particular and no one should be coming in until we do solve it. People need water. plants need water. To prevent global warming we need water. It just makes no sense to deprive us of water in a so called civilised country. Then there is the not too minor matter of people with money sinking bores and profiting from the brackish water we could all use. At least third world countries sink a well for community use.It is unbelievable we have reached this stage and we need to create the eco-systems which supply us with water and the infrastructure which will let us use it.

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