
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mobile denies plan to reopen Port Stanvac as oil refinery

AdelaideNow... Mobile denies plan to reopen Port Stanvac as oil refinery: "MOBIL has denied any knowledge of plans to re-open the mothballed Port Stanvac refinery and says no decision on its future will be made before next year."

That area is pretty well built up now and to pollute it with refinery spew again is unthinkable. The people there must be breathing easy because for years they were putting up with foul smelling odours and vile stench. I am sure they might have something to say about it. The refinery was never properly maintained and always cause for concern. There are ways of managing petrol prices besides totally polluting suburban living areas. It is also on a section of the coast which would lend itself to desalination and and it ought to accommodate a marina so that boats coming down the coast have a save haven in a storm. Think people, think. It is superb coastline. Why would you stoke up a refinery there again? I and your families do not live there.

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