
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Kangaroos Put on the Pill to Curb Population

Kangaroos Put on the Pill to Curb Population : "CANBERRA -- Kangaroos around Australia's national capital will soon be fed a contraceptive pill by authorities trying to control their booming population."

They have tried vasectomies and slow release contraceptives before and they haven't work. The kangaroos are coming into suburban areas because of the drought. Here we put out bins of water if they come into places like Clarendon. They cannot help it there is a drought and we need to look after our native species. We become far too ready with the notion of a cull. The animals don't sterilise us for encroaching on their land. We need to be a compassionate in these hard times and work out ways and means of helping our native species survive. I guess the pill is good and a temporary measure which can be reversed.

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