Call to press Japan on whaling: "Greenpeace Australia chief executive Steve Shallhorn said the Labor Government should keep its election commitment to send a vessel to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary."
A sanctuary is a sanctuary and there is a very active ground swell here to stop the killing of whales. We have never stood for that and we do not want it to happen in our waters and we do not want it to occur in a sanctuary. Don't call it a sanctuary if you are going to let wild life be killed there. As for our relations with Japan...maybe if they just said we want this many whales because we eat them, we might deal with it better. The scientific smoke and mirrors act isn't fooling anyone and I guess we are just treating them like friends because we do not accept "crap" from our friends and family and we are the first to call them out and give them a serve. Japan hasn't had a serve from us and they ought to, because they have been long time friends and we are a nation who has a lot to do with Japan one way and another. Lots of Australians love and respect teh Japanese culture...but we do not like the whaling.
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