
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Malcolm Fraser calls for bill of rights

Malcolm Fraser calls for bill of rights : "'We seriously need a bill of rights following the practice of all European Union countries, New Zealand, Canada and the US. We're the odd man out,' Mr Fraser said in his lecture,"

Well, yes, they invented constitutional monarchies to limit royal power and they separated the powers of the state, church and judiciary in order to stop abuse of power and we do have a government which has become unanswerable to anyone because it has complete control of the senate and constantly makes unilateral decisions without considering democratic decision making channels...all for our own good and because they know and we do not. Malcolm Fraser has become a very wise and helpful elder statesman. As an ex Prime Minister he has brought a lot of expertise and knowledge to his capacity to influence others and make them think logically. Too many older politicians are lost to us because they are of the belief they are done and dusted if they lose their position. Malcolm Fraser has risen above that and shown us the way to go if we wish to become a republic. We do have to look at how we think, how we organise ourselves and how we deliver our policies and laws. We need to rummage through our legislation and look at what we need into order to become the country we want to be...and we know that know. We are no longer confused.

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