
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lifetime supply of beer offered for stolen laptop

Lifetime supply of beer offered for stolen laptop : "Owners Paul Croucher and Nigel Gregory were so desperate to get it back, they were offering free beer to whoever turned in the person responsible for the burglary, Rotorua's Daily Post newspaper said."

The value of back ups! Truth is, no matter how often you try to back up you have never got it in the same , up to date format as on the computer you are currently using. I had a heart attack when I lost my USB key with all the current work which I hadn't had tie to back up because I was busy setting the key up so I could use it. I have since doubly triply backed it up, but it still isn't current. It's time factor. I hope these guys get their laptop back and the point is, no one should have stolen the stuff. While I sit here and preach back up, bottom line is we should not be helping ourselves to other people's equipment. I hope they had video surveillance and I hope they catch the thief. Pot on them.

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