
Sunday, October 21, 2007

I was never a commie - Gillard

I was never a commie - Gillard : "“So if we all want to go back to people's university days and talk about when Peter Costello was flirting with joining the Labor Party, when Brendan Nelson was in the Labor Party, it's going to be a pretty silly debate,” she said."

I really do not like the way women are treated in politics and there are so few now who can survive at the top because the Government has become an exclusive boys' club where women are patronised and treated in a very odd fashion. Certainly not as equals and certainly not as people to be taken seriously. Women become the butt of insults, spurious claims and fault finding. Julia Gillard is doing well to come back as an adult with the facts. At the moment we are getting these sprays of anything and everything which might stick, true or not. It is about appealing to people's prejudices and I cannot abide that. It makes the greens and women politicians look really good because they haven't resorted to that kinds of silly nonsense. I am truly disappointed that is the level of leadership in our country. Where are the proper discussions and when are these men going to realise when they came to government they had no idea. They have made themselves who they are just as anyone else can. To claim they are the only people who can run this country is a bit far fetched.

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