
Monday, September 24, 2007

Broadband beyond the grave offers web service for the dead

Broadband beyond the grave offers web service for the dead : "The idea came to co-founder Collin Harris after the death of his own father in 2000. 'We had no information about anything, even down to the key to his desk, so we had to get a locksmith,' Harris recalled. 'He had two safety deposit boxes but we never found them."

I don't know that I'd use a site like this but a lot of people have already. I certainly know all to well the driving force behind this site. It is really, really hard to look after the dying interests of someone who tells you nothing, or someone who dies suddenly and you are not sure about their wishes and where to find things. It actually is a massive strain. You are trying to cope with loss, grief, trauma and then the practicalities of tidying up the lose ends in a considerate and respectful way. Whether we use a website like this one or we just plain talk to people...we need to let people know where important things are and what important wishes we have. No one wants to think about it. no one wants to deal with it...but we do have to share this.

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