
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mum, son lucky to be alive

AdelaideNow... Mum, son lucky to be alive: "'Then there was a loud crashing noise and I thought he'd hit a Stobie pole, right before the almighty roar as he went through the wall."

An almighty roar? Did he rev up before going through the wall after he'd missed the 2 trees? It's called aggravated due care. Bit of an understatement. We are not safe in our beds. It is becoming really unfair. We used to go to bed and we listen and if cars start squealing you hold your breath. It's not on. This is so awful for that mother and the little boy. For him it may well be something he never resolves properly because he is so little and it may cause problems for him later in life... and it'll be to do with the sounds, the crashing , the headlights. The guy reversed out! What was he thinking, I wonder? At least the guy who rammed in next door stopped and stayed there so we could sort it out from there...mind you , they did have a lot of trouble trying to get his car out. He wasn't under the influence of anything except his brain.

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