
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kevlar-lined school uniforms launched

Kevlar-lined school uniforms launched: "Adrian Davis of Bladerunner, told the BBC: 'We introduced Kevlar-lined hooded tops earlier this year and off the back of that a few parents asked us if we could alter school uniforms to make them stab proof."

This is sad. Okay, so it's a way of dealing with the problem. Why would you want schools where students can be stabbed? Why would it be acceptable for students to be at a school where they can be stabbed? If schools are now a place where students can be killed then we truly need to look at ways and means to stopping that from happening because most students are not people who would hurt each other and they certainly would not entertain the notion of killing their school mates. I think we need to change what is happening in schools.

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