
Monday, August 20, 2007

Brain study to unlock heroin addiction

Brain study to unlock heroin addiction : "“What people don't tend to understand about long term drug users is that this is not a matter of choice. They have a reduced level of biological resources and find it hard to stop,” Dr Yucel said."

It's good to have a research project which quantifies and articulates something which there has been plenty of anecdotal evidence about. There comes a point with people on two much of a drug or alcohol where their judgement and perception are impaired and therefore they cannot haul their sorry backsides back from the brink. It is frustrating and difficult for them to manage and worse for people who are there trying to help them. Once we understand how this occurs we are in a much better position to take the emotion out of it and kick in with the scientific, well thought out response. It gives everyone hope to see things like this.

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