
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wealthy elite 'taking over' capital cities

Wealthy elite 'taking over' capital cities : "The CCCM deplores what it sees as an increasing gap between families who can afford to buy a home and profit from its capital growth, and those who struggle to afford any sort of housing."

A number of things have changed in Australia and they have all been towards providing for the wealthy and providing more money for the wealthy. It is about shares, investments, property, jobs, education. The effects of these changes are now coming into play and they will not be heard because it is the purpose of our economy. We are not a society any more. We are about productivity and profit. Most big cities are for the wealthy and now Australia has joined that trend. Most wealthy people own properties overseas and others rent and if they cannot they live in poor or no accommodation. We now have that type of country because we have been working towards it. Our cites used to be for everyone. Now they are becoming international cities so they cater to a certain clientele. The difficulty with us sprawling out is we are destroying our land and we haven't yet got the hospital, education and transport infrastructure to cater to sprawling urban development so those living further out will be disadvantaged until we create some equity in access to facilities and jobs. We cannot go back but we can decide how we want to go forward.

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