
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Most workers bullied, survey says

Most workers bullied, survey says : "The survey of 1,500 people by also showed women were bullied more than men, and 71 per cent of people dreaded going to work."

Bosses, line managers, superiors are in a position of privilege, but they are also in a position to abuse their power and emotional abuse is very difficult to define and prove...which is why it's such an effective form of abuse. It is the victim who looks so stupid all the time and cannot provide sound evidence about the abuse. It's about undermining people, diminishing them, misrepresenting the truth. People in Austrlia just haven't cottoned on to this , so bosses can get away with it. They can ask people to justify themselves and their working methods. They can ask people to prove why they should be the person doing that job. They can organise things and then leave people in the lurch so they are at the coal face without adequate knowledge of what has to happen. They can sack people, transfer them and then create fear. They can be unavailable at crucial times. They can overlook ordering what needs to be ordered or slow down the process so the pressure is on the individuals further down. They can ask for meetings and demand people work in their family time and expect people to attend who knows what and then they have no home life or no other life. It's all about emotional pressure and it's all about making people feel inadequate and insecure. We used to have very good workplace relations and a safety zone for workers. Bosses who are unscrupulous are not stupid. They are not going to do the obvious. It is all very subtle and it needs to be considered very carefully because the atmosphere has really changed in the workplace. Before we were very open and straightforward. I guess it's the difference between administration and leadership.

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