
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Frost bites as city plunges to 1.6C

AdelaideNow... Frost bites as city plunges to 1.6C: "'About 70 per cent of the observing stations observed frosts on Friday morning,' he said."

Oh, yes! It's been freeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzing!! Our noses are frozen. It was so funny at the shops today because we were all hugging our new blankets, quilts, electric blankets. Adelaide has decided it's too cold in bed! No one wants to get up and it has been somewhat chilly! I observed frost on my garden Friday morning. I was expecting to see damage when I went out there today, but it's held up pretty well. Everything is lovely and green...but we are all diving for the scarves, gloves and winter woollies. We don't like it!!

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