
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bad manners at work bad for business

AdelaideNow... Bad manners at work bad for business: "Dr Griffin said rude colleagues included those who questioned the judgment of others, interrupted when someone was speaking, made derogatory comments or belittled ideas."

That all comes down to strong, clear leadership, in my experience. When you have a boss who is clear about behaviour and manners, who runs a tight ship with a clear direction, the troops are less likely to play up and undermine each other. Leadership is critical in setting tone. Squabbling and rudeness occur when there are discrepancies in policies or the ways in which you are expected to respond. Unfortunately people in Australia are not polite by nature and that's odd. Where the leadership is not clear then there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians and the sorts of behaviours described here come from establishments where no one has stamped clear guidelines for behaviour, policy and job performance. It amounts to everyone having their place , their job and the chain of command being quite clear rather than up for discussion.

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