
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Public 'tuning out' to federal politics

AdelaideNow... Public 'tuning out' to federal politics: "'I think people are starting to tune out a bit, I think they're looking for a politics-free week or month,'' Mr Robb said today."
If no one is bothering it's because it's the same ole same ole. The potshots, the predigested thinking, the smear campaigns, the fear fest, the what's good for us. There is no attempt to engage us and plenty of telling us what we have got wrong. You stop listening because there is no real debate, no genuine interest in humanity and human issues . It's about image, format, expedience. It really doesn't deal with the things which ought to be dealt with and it's tiresome. There is plenty of evidence around the world that politics can be interesting, gripping , can engender debate and profound thought. We have allowed ourselves to sink to non thinking , ill informed, quick response. We have not supported thought provoking education so the air headedness is exactly that.We have become victims of edutainment. Politics can be fascinating when there is concern for people and issues and some real thinking. As it stands it's about structure and process so it's singularly lacking in feeling , depth and complexity of thought.

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