
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Schools fear violent parents

AdelaideNow... Schools fear violent parents: "One primary school principal, who did not want to be identified due to fears for her safety, said she had already called police once this year to deal with an abusive parent, while last year she hired a security guard to protect a teacher from threats of attack by the father of a student."

It's school, for crying our loud. Teachers and kids. It's not a place to vent your spleen or frustration with the world and I guess teachers, doctors, hospital emergency wards are a good and easy target when you have reached the end of your tether. I had some pretty bad teachers in my day. We used to talk about them and we still laugh about them but we learned a lot in terms of dealing with anyone.We live in a world of mixed competencies. Teachers are teachers and there are some really fantastic ones out there. My experience as a parent is the worst teacher I met stopped my left handed daughter from using her left hand. She thought it was a matter of retraining her into better habits!! I was gobsmacked at such an archaic view of the world and my daughter, like my father, learned to be ambidextrous to survive in a prejudiced world. I expressed my surprise but , bottom line, it was a family issue that we dealt with. If there is anger in schools, hospitals and surgeries then people need to be shown the door and told to sod off. No one needs that. You don't see people carrying on like that with any other jobs. Try doing it to your mechanic, at the super market or when you are having your hair cut. Try it on your dentist!!Aggressive people need to be shut down because it's just not right. If a teacher has been so very wrong, like the teachers who were having affairs with children, then I'd expect parents to be angry and upset...but it's the same as if someone burgles your home or steals your have to follow due process and you are not allowed to shout and abuse the felon no matter how much you want to. Oh for a bit of etiquette and protocol and the return of fine manners.

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