
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Consult a new text, says Catholic bishop

Consult a new text, says Catholic bishop : "Arguably the most powerful Catholic in the country, Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson, says the church should use text messages to reach out to young people before they become alienated from their families and communities."

Not such a silly idea. Mobiles are changing the way we live and have added a number of new dimensions some of which are really not what we want. Managing mobile mania and mobile madness is probably in hand and I think if we find positive ways of integrating mobiles they weill be less of a hazard/nuisnace/irritation. I did hear of one Mum whose only contact with her runaway daughter was texting. She just texted her daughter not expecting a reply but she good one. She just kept it low key and non committal and over the ensuing month the contact was more and more until they actually got their daughter home and safe. Now this is the very thing this Archbishop is speaking about. As long as it's non intrusive, it may be a way of holding on to people who are precariously balanced and at risk.

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