
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Collie murder

Girls found dark path led to murder : "One of the girls' lawyers, Michael Clarke, said his client had begun smoking cannabis at age the age of nine, before turning to amphetamines, heroin, LSD and ecstasy at 14."

Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. No wonder it is so awful and no wonder we couldn't make sense of it. Who is getting these young kids into drugs? What a cocktail that little one was on. The other girl lost her mother at 12, didn't know her father and had been living with foster families. People cannot look after their kids when others in the community want to involve them in drugs. As a parent you have little hope unless your family is a very strong, tightly knit one. As soon as there is a chink, the opportunists are in there. Doesn't soften the blow any for Eliza's family. The trouble with drugs is you cannot know how they will affect your mind and it may only be for a short time , enough to make you disassociate with normal values and pursue dark or dangerous thoughts. Like alcohol can affect some people and make them very negative and disruptive. In a young head this is all terrible stuff. It is good to have it out in the open because at least we may confront the horror of drugs, the nightmares some parents may be living. if we get it out in the open there is some hope of fixing it and stopping the insanity of people who give and sell drugs to kids. No parent can easily deal with that, but a united front gives a better plan of attack.

No decision is being made on the case until May 9th.

Drugs "turned girls into killers."

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