
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Collie murder

Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend :

"'We just did it because we felt like it, it is hard to explain,' the other girl said.

'I knew we had wanted to kill someone before.

'We knew it was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong at all, it just felt right.'"

It's so surreal. How do you get girls like that? It doesn't actually seem real at all. Changing into old clothes to murder a friend because they wanted a "non-messy killing." Thought that strangling was okay and used speaker wires. What girls think of speaker wires and a cloth soaked in the chemicals they used? All sounds too,too unreal for me. Practising on kittens first?? Like kittens are going to help you kill a friend?? They didn't expect to get away with it? None of this makes sense but I don't suppose it would. They had helped the family look for her...and then turned themselves in several days later. I hope they have a team of psychologists on this. I have no idea how Eliza's family are coping at all. As a mother I think I'd be going mental listening to two girls telling me they killed my daughter just to see...they'd been sitting talking and then got speaker wire to kill my daughter just because it seemed a good idea at the time. How do parents cope with that and how on earth do we get girls who think like that? They do not value anyone's life. Not even their own. They do not value life at all. How is that possible? It's true. They are a total risk to everyone, even those they are mixing with while they are in custody. I thank the papers for reporting this as best they can. It is something which rendered us speechless when it happened. We need to work on how we deal with people like this and how we create them. I feel so, so sorry for Eliza's parents. I hope they have a lot of support. All I can do is think about them.

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